
Customer Testimonials

I used A Party Center for the first time for a small BBQ last weekend. All we rented was a small table, 3 table cloths and 10 chairs, and they still treated us like an important customer anyway! When we came in to pick out the stuff, they even helped us look at colors for my upcoming wedding even though we said the wedding was out of town so we wouldn’t be renting supplies in San Rafael. I was very impressed with the customer service. The pickup and drop off went very smoothly. The table cloths were clean. The table and chairs worked great. No complaints! I will definitely come back next time I need to rent something!
Sandra D., San Francisco, CA

This is the place to go for personalized customer service. I’ve used all the big guys, and if they don’t carry it, well, you’re out of luck. The last time I called APC for something they didn’t carry, Cassandra spent hours tracking it down for me. If I accidentally leave something obvious off the rental order, or order something that doesn’t quite match the rest, instead of saying “Oh well” and making it my problem, both she and Jason have called me to confirm, often fixing problems even before I know about them. Their prices are about average – higher in some areas, lower in others – but you really can’t beat the service. I’m an event manager for a living, and in the more than 50 events I’ve done with a Party Center, I’ve NEVER been disappointed. I live in the East Bay and do events in the city, and where I need the rentals, I will build a detour to Marin into my schedule just to work with A Party Center.
Jessika D., Alameda, CA

I’ve only rented chairs from A Party Center, but I’ve rented them every year for 16 years. Great selection, helpful people, reasonable prices and a fun place to go. If we were planning a bigger, more detailed event, this is absolutely the first place I’d call.
Joe P. Marin, CA

These folks are the best in Marin, I use them every time.
Ross P. Marin, CA

Patricia and the wonderful folks at A Party Center have been my preferred vendor for all party rentals from tents to teaspoons for the past ten years. To a person they are friendly, accommodating and professional and come through when you need them most.
Dee Wagner, General Manager, Angel Island Company

A Party Center is the best! I wouldn’t think of having a party without them.
Liz Welsh, PTA President of Ross School, Rental coordinator for St. John’s Church

I’ve worked with A Party Center for 27 years and they have always gone above and beyond to get me what my clients want. From the moment an order is called in, to having it delivered or picked up, they are great. They know what is current and have the best selection around. Their staff provides excellent customer service and they are really helpful and generous with their experience.
Teresa Hammond, Owner, Delicious Catering

For every occasion big or small, fancy or casual, A Party Center has always come through with whatever was needed to make our special events special! Patricia and staff have always given service “above and beyond. I don’t think I have ever heard “we can’t”. Wouldn’t think of having a party without them!
Grace Hughes, Marin Airporter and Marin Charter and Tours

I worked with A Party Center on many events during my tenure as the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce CEO. They were always courteous, prompt, accommodating and fairly priced. Plus, they never missed a delivery deadline. No one provides better service than A Party Center.
Elissa Giambastiani, Public Affairs